Leonor Thin
Leonor Thin Italic
Leonor ExtraLight
Leonor ExtraLight Italic
Leonor Light
Leonor Light Italic
Leonor Regular
Leonor Italic
Leonor Medium
Leonor Medium Italic
Leonor DemiBold
Leonor DemiBold Italic
Leonor SemiBold
Leonor SemiBold
Leonor Bold
Leonor Bold Italic
Leonor ExtraBold
Leonor ExtraBold Italic
Leonor Heavy
Leonor Heavy Italic
Leonor is inspired by the world renowned Gotham typeface but with a more square feel in its light weights and a rounder bold range, this typeface is perfectly suited to both large chunks of body copy as well as large headlines.
Supported Languages:
Basic Latin, Central European, South Eastern European, Vietnamese, Pinyin
Font Styles:
20 Styles
João Symington